Oil paintings, sale of paintings by Artstatus studio (Kyiv)

The painting art studio Artstatus located in Kyiv is selling contemporary oil and acrylic paintings. Our art studio sells only hand painted and authorial artworks painted by Andrey Kutsachenko . The artist uses only environmentally friendly oil paints and canvas to create paintings and drawings which are unique works of art. All oil paintings which Artstaus is selling are only in a single copy. If you order a landscape or a still life oil painting, you can be completely sure that work of art is of a high quality. Our art studio Artstatus guarantees that you get a great professional oil painting for order.

Order oil paintings in Kyiv by calling 097 450 72 21,or send us an email a.kucachenko@gmail.com

You can order original oil paintings painted by artist Andrey Kutsachenko.

Andrey Kutsachenko has been painting and designing his entire life. He grew up in an artistic family and spent much of his childhood involved with visual arts and architecture. The unique beauty and rich culture of Ukraine inspired him to paint cityscapes. His inspirations are the expressionistic magic skylines of big cities filled with colorful skyscrapers. In the artist’s paintings the urban scenic views are abstracted with rich and vivid textured layers. Andrey’s emotional architectural patchwork and mosaic cityscapes radiate a life of balance and positive energy. His art is inspired by nature and objects that he find interesting and fun to paint. Andrey paints landscapes and seascapes plein air in an impressionistic style, loosely, with visible brush strokes using a bold color palette.

We offer you custom-made, high-quality oil paintings at the most competitive prices in the web and worldwide delivery. Andrey Kutsachenko studio is specializing in high quality original oil painting and reproductions of all categories, ranging from famous paintings and classic masterpieces to custom oil portraits, landscapes or a still life from photos.

Please see below an overview of our products and services:

  • original landscapes or a still life in a single copy;
  • genre painting, conversation piece, animal painting life in a single copy;
  • fine art paintings;
  • original artwork for sale;
  • you can buy paintings online;
  • portraits from photographs;
  • 100% hand painted oil paintings at reasonable prices;
  • we offer art solutions to corporations, interior designers, hotels and retail outlets;
  • more customized and personalized services by answering your questions and taking your order via email or phone, especially for those who feel uncomfortable with online shopping cart.

You can order custom portrait or oil painting, personalized portrait, custom acrylic painting, custom portrait from photo or child portrait.

Send us a high quality photo of your child, family, or loved one, and we will recreate it into a real hand painted artwork with immaculate care and sensitivity to each line and detail. Since the pictures are very important to make a good portrait, you are more then welcome to send us several photos. The higher quality of the picture you send, the better the final result. Together we can figure out what best suits your needs. Contact us to discuss your ideas and get recommendations for photo and size of the painting you would like to order. Once we come to an agreement, we will make a private listing just for you and start to work on one-of-a-kind custom portrait painting.When painting is 95% complete, you will receive photos of artwork and can provide us suggestions for possible changes and make sure that it perfectly suits your needs.

Please note that you can order custom mural paintings, original landscapes or a still life in a single copy!

Order a landscape or a still life

Still life and landscape Oil Paintings are the perfect gift for a birthday, anniversary. You can buy painting by contemporary artist for a low affordable price. Therefore, the picture will please you and your family all the time of its existence.

You can order oil landscape in Kyiv (urban landscape, landscape with the image of nature, winter landscape, summer landscape, autumn or spring landscape). Oil painting still life can also be performed in different styles (Still Life with Fruit and vegetables, Still Life with wine, still life with flowers, still life with landscape elements).

Order a copy of any picture or a custom oil painting

You can order a copy of a classical or modern oil or acrylic painting. You buy a affordable price oil painting in Kyiv. This painting is not so expensive and, at the same time, it’s not a cheap print on canvas. A copy of the painting in Kyiv will be painted by the artist’s hand and will be unique.The advantage of our studio is to work with high-quality materials – natural linen, museum specimen stretchers, paints, which are made from natural pigments. In the mural, we also use environmentally friendly and high quality materials. If it is necessary, we will help you to get a permit to export abroad a picture, a picture in the frame.

For more information about our art studio in Kyiv contact us:
tel.:(097)450-72-21, (096)365-21-01 or by writing to the email: a.kucachenko@gmail.com.